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Turkey Day Donation


Turkey Day Donation

Valley Credit Union has a long-standing commitment to supporting the communities it serves. The collaboration with Shamrock Foods to donate 200 turkeys for the Turkey Drive aligns perfectly with the credit union's values to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. Brandon Scala, SVP of Community Engagement, emphasizes the significance of coming together to create positive change, stating, "In a world facing various challenges, there needs to be more good like this going on. Valley Credit Union is proud to play a role in spreading joy and warmth during the holiday season."

Q2 News, a local media outlet, has been instrumental in organizing the Turkey Drive for Billings Family Service. The drive aims to provide Thanksgiving meals to families who may be facing economic challenges. Valley Credit Union recognizes the importance of supporting initiatives like these, especially during times when many families are navigating hardships.

Brandon Scala underscores the credit union's commitment to community engagement, stating, "We believe in the strength of our community and the positive change that can occur when individuals and businesses come together for a common cause. It's heartening to witness the generosity of our partners and the impact we can have when we work collaboratively."

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